Featured in and Recommended by:
"A Must Read"
— Bustle MagazineNamed one of Poets & Writers
“. . .[a] gentle, lucid, erudite and compassionate guide. . .”
—Dani Shapiro, Bestselling Author of Devotion and Still Writing.
“This is a wonderful collection of insights, practices, writing exercises, and meditations to help you get words on the page, not just as an accomplishment but as a way to discover who you really are.”
—Susan Piver, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Hard Questions.
Summer Writing & Meditation Retreat
at Shambhala Mountain Center, Colorado!
August 14-18, 2019. Experience your creative awakening, peace, insight, and rejuvenation in the Colorado Rockies!
• Innovative Writing Exercises & Time to Write
• Dynamic Meditation and Mindful Movement Experiences
• Connection with Creative Community in a Truly Sublime Location
A daylong of conscious writing and conscious movement with Albert Flynn DeSilver and Saraswati Clere Saturday September 7, 2019 at Green Gulch Zen Center & Farm
Stay Inspired, Stay Connected: Get the FREE audio
“Creativity Meditations for Writers & Artists.”
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Here you can access FREE Meditations & Albert’s popular audio course True Creativity
Insight Timer Testimonials:
“Wow! I’m taking your course on creativity..[On the Insight Timer app] on the second day and this [has] kickstarted my creativity! I felt a healing around my inner critic that’s been holding me back . I even thought of a song title in my mind and I’m feeling it’s just the beginning of a brand new start . A rebirth.. the door has cracked open to new possibilities. Thanks so much for this I love it!!!”
—Lisa M.
“As with your course for writers, your book and your other meditations, you know how to connect with writers and how to inspire their connection to their own creative world. Thank you for this very simple, optimistic meditation”
—Sandy T.
“Thank you Albert for sharing your wisdom. I’m inspired by you, and have a greater sense of clarity on my next steps in life…”
—Anna P.
“I am really enjoying this course. It feels like soul food to me!”
—Liza S.
“This is such a great course. . . I still feel a struggle in getting back to my biggest passion of acting, but your course is really helping me to make peace with how it is now and to refocus and persevere. Thank you so much!”
—Leanne R.
“Thanks for offering this course. It was very timely for me, and just the boost I needed with lots of wisdom and insight into how to further my creativity. Very much appreciated.”
—Mary K.
* Creative Writing Classes & Workshops
* Meditation Retreats
* Extraordinary Literary Events
“Albert Flynn DeSilver is a gem,
a joy to work with, and puts
together amazing workshops!”—Cheryl Strayed (Best Selling Author of WILD, “Tiny Beautiful Things,” and the novel “Torch.”)