To get on the waitlist please visit:
Meditation and the Spirit of Creativity
Spirit Rock Meditation Center,
Woodacre, CA
Anna Douglas, Anne Cushman, Albert Flynn DeSilver (writer), Barbara Kaufman (painter)
Monday, September 12, 3:00pm – Sunday, September 18, 11:30am
Upper Retreat Hall Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA
$1320 – $660 sliding scale, plus a donation to the teacher(s) and retreat staff. Code 392R16.
FULL–Download Wait List App Here
NOTE: All scholarship funds and Young Adults rates for this retreat have been allocated.
Retreat Description:
This is a silent retreat for writers, painters and anyone wanting to deepen their contact with the creative spirit. You do not have to have previous writing or painting experience – just the passion to explore!
The focus of the retreat is on the dynamic principles of spiritual and creative unfolding: how meditation supports the creative process and how the creative process enlivens spiritual awakening. The focus is very much on process rather than the pressure to produce a result, artistic or spiritual. Alternating between stillness and creative activity provides fertile ground for the flowering of one’s unique expression.
In addition to the usual schedule of sitting and walking meditation, we will offer two tracks of creative pursuit: one for writers with Albert Flynn DeSilver, a writer and dharma teacher and one for painters with master teacher, Barbara Kaufman. There will be two hours of studio time in the morning and two hours in the evening. Meditation instructions, daily yoga/movement, dharma talks, and practice meetings with teachers will be offered. Prior silent retreat experience is recommended, not mandatory.
There is a maximum of 30 painters allowed due to space allowances in the studio. You will be asked at registration to choose one of the two mediums: painting or writing. There is no switching. You will remain in the same medium for the duration of the retreat. You will learn the same liberating principles in whichever medium you choose.
Spirit Rock extends a special invitation to young adults (age 18-26) who wish to attend this retreat at a rate of $35 per night, on a first come, first serve basis. A limited number of special rates are available, please apply early.
Online Bulletin Board for Ridesharing
Also remember that the cost above is priced as a sliding scale. Please pay at the highest level of the sliding scale that you can afford. This allows others who need to pay less the opportunity to attend. Fee is for room and board. Teaching and staffing of the retreats is by donation at the end of the retreat.
For more information, and to register go to: