Writing Workshop with Elizabeth Gilbert

“Creating big magic and the true meaning of success” with Elizabeth Gilbert at our 2015 writing workshop. 

Elizabeth Gilbert is the international best selling author of several books including Pilgrims, Stern Men, The Last American Man, Eat-Pray-Love, Committed, The Signature of All Things, and Big Magic. She has won numerous awards, appeared on tour with Oprah, and had her books made into films. In 2015 Elizabeth taught for the first time ever live for 300 people in Napa, California for “Writing, Truth, and Community II” hosted by Albert Flynn DeSilver.

Check out the video recap of this wonderful retreat below.

Check out Elizabeth’s website at: https://www.elizabethgilbert.com/

Live well, love well, write well

I'm here to help you write brilliantly!

I'm Albert Flynn Desilver


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Albert Flynn DeSilver